Q I already have a job and look only for part-time jobs in my spare time. Does ETAS-net send me only part-time jobs?
We send all information to members. Please choose the positions that suit you.
Q Do I need to submit my resume when I register?
No, you do not have to send your resume initially. ETAS-net will contact you after you apply for positions requesting a resume.
We recommend writing detailed comments when registering.
Q I need to renew my visa. Does ETAS-net provide visa sponsorship?
ETAS-net only offers direct hire positions. Only the school will be your sponsor if you need a work visa.
We can support your visa application process with schools.
Q I cannot receive any emails from ETAS-net.
Please set your email account to receive emails from cs@etas-net.jp.
Q I cannot log in.
You can log in after entering your email address and the password you create.
Please remember both, as our system is case-sensitive.